Evaluation of Strong Fathers/Strong Families (SF/SF) Program

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Real-Time Data Collection, Analysis, and Reporting More >

Real-Time Data Collection, Analysis, and Reporting More >

Real-Time Data Collection, Analysis, and Reporting More >

Real-Time Data Collection, Analysis, and Reporting More >

Real-Time Data Collection, Analysis, and Reporting More >

The Maryland Department of Human Resources contracted Optimal Solutions Group, LLC (Optimal) to evaluate the effectiveness of the Strong Fathers/Strong Families (SF/SF) program. The SF/SF program is a Baltimore-based project that serves unmarried and married fathers and their significant others/spouses. The intent of this program is to prepare the participating fathers and their significant others/spouses for successful healthy relationships by stressing the importance of a healthy marriage and the rearing of children in two-parent families; addressing issues that may affect the relationship, such as domestic violence; and teaching the participants how to secure higher-paying employment. Optimal developed the pre- and post-surveys administered to participants to measure changes in their attitudes towards relationships and parenting. Optimal continues to provide technical assistance for the Fatherhood Management Information System used at the program site.