Supporting Healthy Marriage (SHM)

Real-Time Data Collection, Analysis, and Reporting More >

Real-Time Data Collection, Analysis, and Reporting More >

Real-Time Data Collection, Analysis, and Reporting More >

Real-Time Data Collection, Analysis, and Reporting More >

Real-Time Data Collection, Analysis, and Reporting More >

Real-Time Data Collection, Analysis, and Reporting More >

The Supporting Healthy Marriage (SHM) project is part of a larger research agenda (led by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) to study the effectiveness of efforts to sustain healthy marriages. In multiple sites across several states, the project evaluates marriage education models to meet the special challenges of a population that is more diverse and economically disadvantaged than has participated in most previous studies of marriage education. Optimal Solutions Group, LLC (Optimal), a subcontractor to MDRC, led the effort to collect information on the concept of marriage and marriage education from the target population through a series of focus groups. Optimal led the development, installation, and maintenance of the Management Information System (MIS), the primary tool used to collect data for SHM to ensure uniform data collection. During the MIS building process, Optimal created a linear model for intake. Optimal also provides continuous training, technical assistance, and support to the various sites.